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For businesses

Connect with Deaf customers

In Australia, we have approximately 16,000 Auslan (Australian Sign Language) users[1], for whom Auslan is their primary or sole language for communication at home, work, or socially. Now, imagine if you could make your organisation more accessible to Deaf customers, Imagine the possibilities of making your organisation more accessible to deaf customers, where communication becomes seamless and you can effectively reach a new demographic.

Here's how it works: When customers contact your organisation through Convo Australia, they will be connected to an interpreter who will relay the call to you. There are no extra steps necessary on your end…


A woman with long red hair is wearing a white blouse. She is featured on the review display within the demo of the Convo Now app.

On-demand Interpreters
at your fingertips

Convo Australia is the first on-demand Auslan video interpreting service in Australia. Our interpreters are available 24 hours 7 days a week, allowing Deaf customers to access interpreting services whenever they need them. With just a press of a button, an interpreter will appear on their screen.


The Convo Australia Difference

We are making a difference for our Deaf customers by providing them with access to on-demand interpreters through the Convo Australia app. As the only Deaf-owned interpreting service provider, we understand the unique communication style of the Deaf Community and know firsthand the frustration caused by alternative solutions

We are working to change these limitations that restrict our ability to express ourselves authentically and empower us to be who we truly are.

Trusted by

Australian Electoral Commission logo
Victorian electoral Commission logo
Full Life Occupational Therapy logo

Elevate your business with Convo Australia

icon_arrow copy-1Increase your business profile

Promote your business in our exclusive in-app Accessible Business Directory - a network of Deaf-friendly businesses and services available for the Deaf Community.

icon_relationship-1Improve customer relationships

Businesses who use our service build stronger, more loyal customer relationships through faster, more accurate, and personal communication with their Deaf customers.

icon_diversity-1Achieve Diversity and Accessible Goals

Increase access and inclusion by creating a truly accessible business experience that provides an equitable opportunity to all who use your products and services.

icon_perfect-1Convo Australia is perfect for:

- Business Meetings and Customer Service
- Legal and Medical Appointments
- Conferences and Presentations
- Education and School Events
- Life and family events or funeral services

Convo Australia's business directory list

Businesses in the Deaf Ecosystem™ and Accessible Directory list can be contacted by Convo Australia users for free!


Benefits of using

Convo Australia Services


Convo Australia icon app



24 hours video Auslan interpreting icon

24 hours
and 7 days a week


Click on demand icon




Networking of accessible business directory list icon

Business Directory


Sign-centric design icon



Interpreter icon



personalised support icon



Video interpreting services icon

Video Interpreting


Customised packages icon


Business partner

orange colour of 2M Language Services logo

Corporate membership 

Australia Sign Language Interpreters' Association logo
Australian Network on Disability Member Badge

Ready to make your business more accessible?


Leverage your employees

Do you have deaf and hard of hearing employees in your business?  With individual Convo Australia plans that can be funded by the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF), your deaf and hard of hearing employees will gain flexible access to Auslan interpreters for their workplace needs – to call their customers and colleagues, attend or chair work meetings and other responsibilities. They can bring their true selves to work, take personal ownership and improve their productivity.  

Check out our Workplace page for more information, and contact us to find out how we can help your business and employees.


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